Thursday, August 29, 2019

Devoted love.

Watching him back from work. Open door.
His face look so tired. I take his shirt and put in the basket.
He slowly walking through the bathroom. Clean himself.
I know he have a very long day. He smile but still quiet.
He stay quiet long in bathroom while watching videos in his phone.
His style. I won't say much. I let him be.

I go to kitchen, prepared for dinner.

Later, I see him go to bed and he started to play video games.
I smile. Let he rest and release the stress. Playing video games with his friends, watching he laughing, is my happiness.

Sometimes, I will go to my room just to hug & kiss him as I said I want to take my "supplement".
Love supplement. Recharge. Charging my batteries. Top-up my love. I love to do that.
Sometimes he will kiss me back while playing games.
I feel loved and good to start my work at kitchen back.

This is my life. This my full love I give.
That is what I dream of.
A husband that love me for who I am.
Knowing that I have someone that I can trust and turn to, is the best gift that I ever had in my entire life. Knowing him, marrying him, loving him, realized him is the person that I want to spend my life with, realized him is the one that love me for who I am and always wanted for me to be better and happier. Some times he will become quiet strict to control me, if not my overthinking will be worst.

He be with me through my anxiety attack, my overthinking.
And he will rationalize me back, and take me back to the 'ground'.
Because, once one person start her overthinking, started the anxiety,
everything is worried for her. She tend to worry and over analyze in everything.
So, this guy with logic and rational will slow me down.

That is the most thing I really wanted once I get down period like last time in last entry.
Where I can't see where I am now.

Sometimes, I feel so bless to have him so I buy cake and say I buy it because I love him.
Funny right. But only cake? Yeah, a slices of cake with strong remembance of him.
Even I don't have much money to give him PS4, or any gamer would love. But I don't have enough money, so I just can buy any cheap present or I can only show love in simple way.
I will always wanted to show him that I love him more than he loves me.

Sometimes, he go outstation for only 2 days, but my heart missing him like 10 years.
Knowing that you only have only 1 or 2 person in this world that really loves and care for you, is the way how Allah take care of you, by sending you a very good person around to take care of you, to be with you. To make sure you are not alone.

It so hard for someone to understand me and handle me, myself. But thank you my love for your patient and understanding.
May Allah grant you the highest level of Jannah.

I love you, Muhammad Amir
Let me be your wife, caring and taking care of you forever. 

<3 p="">

Monday, August 26, 2019

Overthinking & Anxiety. How it feels?

Again. It happen.

Aku tak pergi kerja sebab nak jumpa doktor gigi. Klinik pertama, buka pagi saja. Sedangkan aku ambil half day untuk pergi petang. Then, pergi klinik kedua. Setel. Gigi aku katanya kena cabut. I was asking for medicine as aku tak ready lagi nak cabut.

Balik rumah. Sejuk. Aku tidur sampai ke petang.
Malam tu, rasa sedih aku makin bertambah.

Aku masak nasi. Aku siapkan ayam goreng untuk buat ayam masak kicap. Jiwaku memang kosong. Aku pandang satu satu tempat tanpa jiwa. Aku dengar pintu rumah aku dibuka. Suami aku dah balik.

Aku pergi kat dia pelan pelan dan aku peluk dia, lama.
Lama, tanpa aku kata apa apa. Takde 'yey abang dah balik', takde 'siannya abang penat'
Aku just diam. Aku sedang cari semula diri aku yang hilang tadi.
Dia ulang kali tanya, kenapa? Ada apa apa nak bagitau? Cerita?
Aku suruh dia mandi dulu, tenangkan diri. Sebab dia masih penat baru balik kerja, naik tangga tingkat 4. Aku nampak muka dia penat, tapi dia sangat curious kenapa aku diam macam ni.

It so tenses. It makes me feel so empty.
Then, I told him. I feel down sangat rasa macam malu, sebab bila tengok orang lain ada sales and aku belum, buat aku rasa ketinggalan jauh & im not enough.
He said all of this is process. Just dont give up. Dato Vida, Dato Aliff Syukri. Semua tu adalah kisah orang berjaya yang aku sendiri selalu ulang ulang cerita pada dia. Tapi, bila jadi macam ni. Semua cerita motivasi orang berjaya, semua seolah hilang dari fikiran aku.

Then dia tanya, "Rezeki, siapa yang tentukan?" Berkali kali dia tanya. Baru aku bersuara, perlahan..

Dia tanya lagi, imagine abang give up untuk dapatkan ayang dulu. Adakah abg akan kawin dengan ayg? Tak kan? Jangan give up.

Yer.. Perlahan aku jawab. Semua tu make sense but this feeling is more than putus asa in bisnes.
I about my soul, feel useless and no value infront of other.
Too much to explain.

Semalam, masa lewat malam sikit. aku tanya suami. How if aku tinggalkan dia?
Dia marah sangat. Kenapa sampai hati terfikir macam tu. Dia tak pernah terfikir untuk buat macam tu. Aku explain slo slo sebab dia marah sangat. Aku tak bermaksud nak tinggalkan dia betul betul. Aku just nak tahu, if aku hilang. Dia sudi cari tak. Dia akan rasa kehilangan tak. U know, I was searching for my value infront of people that said they love me. Macam dalam tv tu jer. Macam... lari kejap tepi pantai untuk 2,3 jam or 2,3 hari. Memang pengaruh tv.

But suami aku terkilan sangat sangat. Yes, dia memang patut marah pun aku. Sebab instead of fikir "oh siapalah yang sayang aku" , cubalah fikir "wah beruntungnya aku dapat suami macam dia" . He loves me despite of everything about me. My lowest point, my terrible weakness, my weirds question, my silly action, my anxiety, my overthinking.

He is right.
Lack of self worth and self esteem & also comparisons with other people, is killing us.
Itu yang aku dah buat. Aku patut fikir orang dah value aku. Dah ambil aku, dah jaga aku.
Apa lagi yang aku nak?

Aku just feel lost in bisnes sebab aku cepat mengantuk, cepat penat. Then, bila aku kerja. Masa yang aku kena simpan untuk rehat dan tidur, aku korbankan dan itu yang buat aku terkejar kejar and aku cuba give my all to this battle to do copywriting, ideas. Dan bila benda tu tak nampak hasil, i tend to beat myself. Maybe aku syok sendiri. Aku tengok orang lain boleh buat and buang segala alasan and aku should be like that. No more excuses. But when i got no sales. Aku memang rasa malu dengan diri sendiri at that point.

Aku part time bisnes online. And I see so many people accomplish many things. Sale dorang tinggi.
Apa mereka buat menjadi. It sound like aku tak bersyukur dan compare rezeki dengan orang lain kan?Yeah, but memang aku bisnes untuk family. Lama lama aku rasa terjerut bila usaha aku seolah takde hasil. Then, aku rasa useless. Meaningless to other people.
It feel so empty, so small infront of other people. I lost my words. Aku dah tak reti nak menulis di facebook. Aku dah tak mampu nak update status. Aku rasa semua orang tengah berlari meninggalkan aku dan aku sedang terkapai kapai semakin jauh dari semua orang. Aku rasa semua orang dah lupakan aku. Entah, kalau aku mati. Ada ke yang masih ingat aku?

Tell you what, aku anak sulung dari 6 adik beradik. It feels so low when you can give what you can give in certain small amount to parents yang cuma berniaga nasi lemak dan roti canai depan rumah dan masih sekolahkan 3 lagi anak kecil. I feels so responsible to them so when aku tak dapat bagi ape yang aku nak, i feel like a loser. I love them so damn much.

Sometimes, I feels so sorry, kesian to my husband. Sebab dia dapat wife yang macam aku.
I told him last night. Sometimes aku kesian. Then dia cakap, that is why he married me. Dia nak tahu semua tentang aku dan dia nak tolong aku bila ada masalah. Dia tak suka aku diam dan assume sendiri then pendam lepas tu sedih. What for? I just feel he deserve a normal lady to be beside him, cheerful, happy and pleasing all day. Aku memang karekter macam tu, i love to talks about small and silly things. but when it hit me when it come to my lowest point last night, i become so weak.

and from all of this, it happen because to much thinking of other people & feeling scared to not give the best to other people.

It feels worried to much. and that what should we fight.
Future is there, but what we should do is appreciate what we still have. and if feel useless. then, try to do thing that useful to other. start doing it. if not, we will trapped in our own world.

Pengalaman bersalin normal waktu PKP 2021 (PART 2)

 PART 2 "Okay now kita nak keluarkan baby. Tapi kita perlukan awak punya semangat untuk push dia keluar. Okay?" kata doktor india ...